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 Cosmic Communicator & Divine Channel of Soul Code Wisdom

Welcome !  

My name is Geraldine but, I am called Dene and I am a Channel of Divine Energy.  You may be asking "What does that mean?"

It simply means that I am attuned to the subtle energy's that are around us.  I was born with a natural ability to connect with the Higher Power to recognize and interpret energy for myself and others.  My journey began many life times ago...


My ongoing journey toward self mastery has been both challenging and rewarding.  This life time journey of self healing has awakened many abilities that were hidden deep within the 'stories' I was told of who I was supposed to be.  As I move more into trust of the Divine the more I continue to discover my own mastery earned through many lifetimes of experience.  The more I trust, the more it flows.   Releasing old 'stories' that told me I was not worthy of receiving the unconditional love of the Divine has been very humbling and empowering at the same time. My journey has inspired me and I am passionate about empowering others to discover themself and to live a life that is directed by their own soul.  And YES you CAN do it!  


I AM THE UNIVERSE and so are you!  

We are all that is and we are all energetically connected as ONE. 



I am a channel of multi-dimensional energy that is expressed in a variety of ways.  I love to bring messages from the higher realms and I share downloads from a variety of celestial beings.  I am a mentor and spiritual teacher constantly expanding as I continue to open to higher consciousness.

Using sound vibration, movement, light codes and messages Source works through me to create powerful opportunities for transformation in those that are ready to embrace their truth.  

I am a conduit of healing energy to help facilitate personal break throughs and trigger the remembrance of who you truly are.  I invite you to join my classes or book a session to continue or embark on your journey of self discovery.  Be the inspiration you were born to be and step into your light and empower others to do the same! 



 From my heart to yours...



To inquire about booking Dene as an Inspirational Speaker please send a request with details and we will get back to you.

© 2024 by Dene. Proudly created with 

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ALL Sessions will be done through video chat. Please contact me for any personal queries

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