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Welcome to my Soul Sanctuary!
My Membership Area Where You Can Have Access To Exclusive Content!

Interested in receiving a monthly channeled healing?
When you subscribe you will receive immediate access to begin streaming videos. Each month I will be posting a channeled healing meditation, song or light code channeling to assist you in your spiritual journey.  
In the tips and tools library there are videos showing you how to clear energy within your home using different methods.
Click to join me and for pricing!

This channel is set up to help in your journey with spiritual tips and tools as well as meditation or light code healings featured monthly. The content will vary depending on the information that is channeled to me in what is needed for the highest good of all. It is my passion to assist you on your healing journey with content that will activate your own inner divine spark and allow you to step into your power! Welcome to Sanctuary, may you receive what you need....From my heart to yours...

A little more about Soul Sanctuary!

First, a little about me...

I am a Spiritual Channel and my Team moves energy through me by using my body as a conduit for the energy that is needed to help you heal at whatever level your Spirit is ready to accept.  The healing energy moves through me by sound through voice and instruments as well as through body movement.  The less resistance I have to accepting the easier the flow becomes.  We all have abilities but are for the most part unaware and out of subconscious fear we resist.  This creates a battle within and the key to unlocking your own truth is to realize that we are each responsible for our own journey.  We can find those that are able to provide the tools but, ultimately we are all our own healer.  I am here to provide the key to help you unlock the door to your own awareness so that you may discover the truth of your own Divine Power!  You may not believe or even want to believe how powerful you are.  I completely understand, I was there.

I have successfully worked with individuals as well as large groups and each person that has discovered them SELF has always had the same doubts of their ability and the astonishment when they connect with their soul.

Most of us have struggled financially at some point in our life and I have always felt the need to provide a service that would be affordable to ALL classes of people so I made a promise to my Self that I would find a way.

Soul Sanctuary was born.


Now, let me tell you about Soul Sanctuary....

This is a sacred space I have created for you to connect with your soul.  

You can visit and receive when your schedule allows it.  No appointment is necessary, the channeling will be waiting for you when you are ready to receive it within the month how ever many times you desire to use it.  Just put in your earbuds and sit back and relax, let Spirit do the rest!

 In the Bronze level you have access to my Spiritual Tips and Tools videos that will teach you several ways to clear unwanted energy from your home and how to ground your body to be present in your life.  Each month you will have unlimited access to one 'NEW' Light Code Healing, Meditation or Production by Dene that is available to use as many times as you want during the month!

Silver Level Subscribers will have a revolving library of healings to choose from each month!  This level ALSO INCLUDES all the benefits outlined in the Bronze level as stated above.  

If you're already part of my Soul Sanctuary and you have enjoyed specific healings and want to revisit your favourites you will want to join the Silver Level now to get unlimited access to past channelings!  

If you are not yet part of Soul Sanctuary consider getting your toes wet and signing up for the Bronze Level or maybe you are brave enough to wade right in...

Either way, I invite you to join me along with my team.  Witness the unfolding of your own Divinity as you allow yourself to heal by opening to the Universal Energy that flows through me to you during these channelings!  My team and I would be honoured by your presence in my Soul Sanctuary.

From my heart to yours...

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